Tales From The Green Room, hosted by Dennis Strazulo and Tami Larson, Founder of Mt Tam Media creates podcast episodes forever preserving the real time thoughts and emotions of the artists on the day of their performances. These episodes help promote the artists’ initiatives, upcoming appearances, record releases as well as the venues and festivals where they are performing.

For the past two years, Tales From The Green Room has been granted access to green rooms at multiple Bay Area venues years – including Sweetwater Music Hall, The Chapel, The Mystic, Great American Music Hall, HopMonk, to name a few and at festivals such as Skull & Roses (Ventura, CA), the Mill Valley Music Festival, Terrapin Sunday Day Dream Vol 2 & 3 and this year as a proud sponsor, Tales From The Green Room is back for a repeat backstage appearance at Sound Summit 2024!

Check the links below for more details including a photo gallery, released podcasts, available platforms for listening, and a partial list of over 75 other artists and bands soon to be released.

All current episodes and available platforms

Sound Summit 2023 Episode

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Backstage Photo Gallery

For sponsorship opportunities, email Tami@mttammedia.com